Special Education


Our role as Special Educators in the Andover School District is to provide a Free Appropriate Public Education to  students with disabilities from age three through twenty-two as required by the legal mandates of the New  Hampshire Department of Education.

We will accomplish this through the following measures:

ASD Procedures Manual.pdf

Andover School District - Special Education Procedures Plan

The Andover School District provides special education programs and services pursuant to Public Law 94-142, NH RSA 186.c and NH Standards for Education of Handicapped Students. 

The Andover School District has a duty to locate, evaluate and identify any child residing in the District who qualifies for Special Education services. Children eligible for special education include those children with disabilities who have autism, deaf-blindness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, intellectual delay, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, acquired brain injury, visual impairment, or developmental delay and who, because of such an impairment, need special education services. 

If you suspect your child has a disability and may need special education services, or if you would like additional information, please contact your child's teacher, or the AEMS Director of Student Support Services Beth Page  at 735-5494. 

Special Education Records Retention, ASB Policy EHB-R

All Special education records will be maintained by the district until the student reaches the age of 25. A copy of the latest IEP that was in effect prior to the student's exit from special education will be maintained by the district until the student's 60th birthday.

Beth Page, Director of Student Services  |  bpage@aemseagles.org  |  603-735-2202

Haley Peters, AEMS Student Support Teacher  |  hpeters@aemseagles.org

Jen Bent, AEMS Student Support Teacher  |  jbent@aemseagles.org